Exchange FIX API
Standard message header

Standard message header

Standard header is a set of fields that is part of every message.

It contains information that is common to all messages and provides essential details for processing and interpreting the subsequent message.

8BeginStringStringyesThis field indicates the FIX protocol version being used. For FIX 4.4, the value is: FIX.4.4.. Must be the first field in the message.
9BodyLengthLengthyesThe length of the message body in bytes, excluding the BeginString and BodyLength fields. It represents the total length of the message. Must be the second field in the message.
35MsgTypeStringyesA three-character code representing the message type. Each type of the FIX message (e.g., D (New Order - Single), 8 (Execution Report), F (Order Cancel Request), V (Market Data Request) etc.) is uniquely identified by the MsgType field. Must be the third field in the message.
49SenderCompIDStringyesThe identifier for the sender of the message. It represents the unique identifier of the trading system or entity sending the message.
56TargetCompIDStringyesThe identifier for the target of the message. It represents the unique identifier of the trading system or entity receiving the message.
34MsgSeqNumSeqNumyesA unique number assigned to each message by the sender. It increments with each subsequent message sent.
43PossDupFlagBooleannoIndicates possible retransmission of the message with this sequence number. Required for retransmitted messages.

Supported values:
  • Y - Possible duplicate
  • N - Original transmission
97PossResendBooleannoIndicates that message may contain information that has been sent under another sequence number.

Supported values:
  • Y - Possible resend
  • N - Original transmission
52SendingTimeUTCTimestampyesThe timestamp indicating when the message was created and sent.

It is in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
The format is: YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.sss.
122OrigSendingTimeUTCTimestampno*An optional field that can be used to carry the original sending time of the message when the message is being resent or retransmitted.

*Required for message resent as a result of a 2 Resend Request.

For more details, see FIX 4.4 : StandardHeader in the FIX 4.4 documentation.

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