Exchange FIX API
9 (Order cancel reject)

9 (Order cancel reject)

The 9 (Order Cancel Reject) message is used to reject a previously submitted F (Order Cancel Request) if, for some reason, the cancellation cannot be accepted. This message provides details about why the order cancel request was rejected.

37OrderIDUUIDyesUnique identifier of the order in the Revolut Crypto Exchange.
11ClOrdIDUUIDyesUnique identifier of the cancel request, as assigned by the client.
41OrigClOrdIDUUIDyes11 ClOrdID of the previous non-rejected order when canceling an order.
39OrdStatusCharyesCurrent status of the order.

Supported values:
  • 8 - Order Cancel Rejected
434CxlRejResponseToCharyesType of the request to which the 9 (Order Cancel Reject) responds.

Supported values:
60TransactTimeUTCTimestampnoTimestamp of the reject being sent.
102CxlRejReasonIntnoCode to identify the reason for cancel rejection.

Supported values:
  • 1 - Unknown order
  • 99 - Other
58TextStringnoReason for the reject, in free format text string.

For more details, see FIX 4.4 : Order Cancel Reject <9> message in the FIX 4.4 documentation.

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