The 9
(Order Cancel Reject) message is used to reject a previously submitted F
(Order Cancel Request) if, for some reason, the cancellation cannot be accepted.
This message provides details about why the order cancel request was rejected.
Tag | Name | Type | Required | Description |
37 | OrderID | UUID | yes | Unique identifier of the order in the Revolut Crypto Exchange. |
11 | ClOrdID | UUID | yes | Unique identifier of the cancel request, as assigned by the client. |
41 | OrigClOrdID | UUID | yes | 11 ClOrdID of the previous non-rejected order when canceling an order. |
39 | OrdStatus | Char | yes | Current status of the order. Supported values:
434 | CxlRejResponseTo | Char | yes | Type of the request to which the 9 (Order Cancel Reject) responds. Supported values: |
60 | TransactTime | UTCTimestamp | no | Timestamp of the reject being sent. |
102 | CxlRejReason | Int | no | Code to identify the reason for cancel rejection. Supported values:
58 | Text | String | no | Reason for the reject, in free format text string. |
For more details, see FIX 4.4 : Order Cancel Reject <9> message
in the FIX 4.4 documentation.