Guides • Manage Accounts
Members and roles

Manage team members


This feature is available in the UK, US and the EEA.

This feature is not available in Sandbox.

About team members

Your team means a group of users who have access to your Revolut Business account. When you invite people to your business, it means that you add them to this team and assign them a role in the team.

The invited user receives an email with an invitation link. To join the team, the invitee has to accept the invitation.

You can use the API to retrieve the list of your team members.


A role is a defined set of permissions, for example, View cards, Manage users, etc. Team members can have different roles in your team.

The creator of the business has a special role, Owner, which can only be assigned to one team member.


The Owner role is not transferable unless the existing owner leaves the team.

In such a case, this role must be transferred to another team member when terminating the leaving owner's account.

All the other roles can be assigned to multiple members. However, one member can have only one role assigned at a time.

All businesses have predefined roles, such as Admin or Member, but a business can also add custom roles through the Revolut Business app. You can use the API to retrieve roles available for your business together with their IDs.

You decide which role to assign to the user when you invite them to the team. If you want to change it later, you can do so in the Revolut Business app.

In the app, you can also see specific permissions assigned to a role, edit permissions, or edit roles.

Manage team members via API


To use the Team Members API, please contact Revolut API Support.

The Business API lets you:

Invite a new member

To invite a new team member to your Revolut Business account, you must provide their email address and specify the role that should be assigned to this member.

In the response, you get the invited member's ID and email address, the ID of the role that should be assigned to the member and the date-times of creation and last update.

To see example requests and responses, check out the API Reference documentation:

See the API reference: Invite a new member to your business

Retrieve a list of team members

You can list all the team members added to your Revolut Business account. You can also filter the team members by the date they were added to your account.

The results are paginated and sorted by the created_at date in reverse chronological order.

In the response, you get the member's details, such as their ID and email address, their first and last name, the state that the team member's user is in, the ID of the role assigned to the team member, and the date date-times of creation and last update.

To see example requests and responses, check out the API Reference documentation:

See the API reference: Retrieve a list of team members

Retrieve a list of roles for your business

You can list the roles that can be assigned to a team member of your Revolut Business account. You can also filter the roles by the date they were created.

The results are paginated and sorted by the created_at date in reverse chronological order.

In the response, for each role you get its ID, name, and the date-times of creation and last update.

To see example requests and responses, check out the API Reference documentation:

See the API reference: Retrieve team roles


Use the Revolut Business app to create custom roles, see specific permissions assigned to a role, and edit permissions and roles.

Filtering and pagination

When retrieving team members or roles, you can also include the optional query parameters to:

  • Modify the maximum number of items returned per page (by default, it's 100)
  • Retrieve only the items which were created before a date/date-time that you specify

For example, these parameters limit the number of team members to three and retrieve only the members added before 13th June 2023:


To get to the next page, make a new request and use the created_at date of the last returned item as created_before.

What's next

See how to manage cards for your team.

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