Exchange FIX API
r (Order mass cancel report)

r (Order mass cancel report)

The r (Order Mass Cancel Report) message is used to report the status of the mass order cancellation request.

It is sent in response to a q (Order Mass Cancel Request) message to inform the sender about the status of each individual order affected by the mass cancellation.

11ClOrdIDUUIDyes, by Revolut FIX GatewayClOrdID (unique identifier of the cancel request, as assigned by the client) provided in the q (Order Mass Cancel Request) message.
37OrderIDUUIDyesUnique Identifier for the q (Order Mass Cancel Request) message assigned by the recipient of the q (Order Mass Cancel Request).

Supported values:
60TransactTimeUTCTimestampnoTime this report was initiated/released.
530MassCancelRequestTypeCharyesOrder Mass Cancel Request Type accepted by the system.
531MassCancelRequestResponseCharyesSpecifies the action taken by the system as a result of the q (Order Mass Cancel Request) message.

Supported values:
  • 0 - Cancel Request Rejected
  • 7 - Cancel all orders
531MassCancelResponseCharyesSpecifies the action taken by the system as a result of the q (Order Mass Cancel Request) message.

Supported values:
  • 0 - Cancel Request Rejected
  • 7 - Cancel all orders
532MassCancelRejectReasonIntnoReason that the q (Order Mass Cancel Request) message was rejected.

Supported values:
  • 99 - Other
58TextStringnoReason for the reject, in free format text string.

For more details, see FIX 4.4 : Order Mass Cancel Report <r> message in the FIX 4.4 documentation.

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