Exchange FIX API
D (New order - single)

D (New order - single)

The FIX message D (New Order - Single) is used to submit the order to the Revolut Crypto Exchange, to initiate processing of the new order.

11ClOrdIDUUIDyesUnique identifier assigned by the client (sender) to the order. It helps in associating the order with its status and execution reports.
55SymbolCurrencyPairyesCurrency pair.
54SideCharyesSide of order.

Supported values:
  • 1 - BUY
  • 2 - SELL
60TransactTimeUTCTimestampyes, by FIX 4.4Timestamp provided by the client.
38OrderQtyQtyyesQuantity ordered.
40OrdTypeCharyesOrder type.

Supported values:
  • 1 - MARKET
  • 2 - LIMIT
44PricePriceyes, conditionally*Price of the limit order.

*Required for 40 OrderType = 2 LIMIT

Precision should follow actual Currency Pairs precision requirements, otherwise the order will be rejected.
18ExecInstMULTIPLEVALUESTRING (char array)no*Supported flags (chars):
  • 6 — Participate, don’t initiate. Post-only order (put in order book as maker or reject).

For more details, see FIX 4.4 : New Order Single <D> message in the FIX 4.4 documentation.

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