The FIX message D
(New Order - Single) is used to submit the order to the Revolut Crypto Exchange, to initiate processing of the new order.
Tag | Name | Type | Required | Description |
11 | ClOrdID | UUID | yes | Unique identifier assigned by the client (sender) to the order. It helps in associating the order with its status and execution reports. |
55 | Symbol | CurrencyPair | yes | Currency pair. |
54 | Side | Char | yes | Side of order. Supported values:
60 | TransactTime | UTCTimestamp | yes, by FIX 4.4 | Timestamp provided by the client. |
38 | OrderQty | Qty | yes | Quantity ordered. |
40 | OrdType | Char | yes | Order type. Supported values:
44 | Price | Price | yes, conditionally* | Price of the limit order. *Required for 40 OrderType = 2 LIMIT Precision should follow actual Currency Pairs precision requirements, otherwise the order will be rejected. |
18 | ExecInst | MULTIPLEVALUESTRING (char array) | no* | Supported flags (chars):
For more details, see FIX 4.4 : New Order Single <D> message
in the FIX 4.4 documentation.