Guides • Build Banking Apps
Initiate your first payment

Initiate your first payment

This tutorial presents how to initiate a domestic payment.

Similar steps apply to all of our domestic and international payment endpoints, including scheduled payments and standing orders; therefore, after you complete this tutorial, you will know how to use all of them.

For detailed information on requests, responses, their parameters and how they differ depending on the payment type, see the Open Banking API reference.


To learn how to initiate multiple payments in a batch, see the tutorial Create a file payment.


Before you begin, ensure that you have:

  • Registered your application with the payments scope in the Developer Portal
  • Obtained a sandbox/production client_id from the Developer Portal
  • Obtained sandbox/production transport.pem and signing.pem certificates from the Developer Portal or from a QTSP issuing body
  • Uploaded in the Developer Portal the jwks_url specific to your signing.pem certificate. Ensure that the x5c claim is specified.

If unsure, head to Get Started and review the setup process.

1. Generate a client credentials token

Request an access token for client credentials using the /token endpoint and the client_credentials grant type:

curl --cert transport.pem --key private.key \
--location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=payments' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=<your client_id>'


"access_token": "<JWT client credentials>",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 2399

Use this token to:

  • Create a payment consent
  • Check the status of a previously created payment consent
  • Check the status of a previously completed payment

When your token expires and you need a new one, repeat this procedure to generate a new token.

Create a consent to initiate a domestic payment on behalf of a Revolut customer.

When you create the consent, ensure that you:

  • Use your access token that you obtained with grant_type=client_credentials as the Bearer token.

  • Specify the x-idempotency-key header so that when there is a network failure and you do not receive the ID from the response, you can safely retry the request.

  • Provide the x-jws-signature header in the API request.

    It must contain a valid JSON Web Signature (JWS) of the request payload body. When generating the signature, use the following JSON header:

    "alg": "PS256",
    "kid": "<kid parameter of your signing certificate>",
    "crit": [""],
    "": "<root domain of your JWKS URL>"

    The result is a string consisting of the above header in base64 encoding, followed by two dots and the cryptographic signature.


    The signature in the JWS validates the header and payload as text, so make sure the payload used when generating the signature is exactly the same as the payload sent in the request payload, including JSON formatting, line breaks and spacing.

    You can read more about JSON Web Signatures here.

Make a domestic payment consent request. An example request looks like this:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-fapi-financial-id: 001580000103UAvAAM' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-idempotency-key: 123' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <insert JWT client credentials from step 1.>' \
--header 'x-jws-signature: <insert JWS>' \
--data '
"Data": {
"Initiation": {
"InstructionIdentification": "ID412",
"EndToEndIdentification": "E2E123",
"InstructedAmount": {
"Amount": "55.00",
"Currency": "GBP"
"CreditorAccount": {
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
"Identification": "11223321325698",
"Name": "Receiver Co."
"RemittanceInformation": {
"Unstructured": "Shipment fee"
"Risk": {
"PaymentContextCode": "EcommerceGoods",
"MerchantCategoryCode": "5967",
"MerchantCustomerIdentification": "1238808123123",
"DeliveryAddress": {
"AddressLine": ["7"],
"StreetName": "Apple Street",
"BuildingNumber": "1",
"PostCode": "E2 7AA",
"TownName": "London",
"Country": "UK"


"Data": {
"Status": "AwaitingAuthorisation",
"StatusUpdateDateTime": "2020-11-20T08:35:53.523806Z",
"CreationDateTime": "2020-11-20T08:35:53.523806Z",
"ConsentId": "6686e444-c103-4077-8085-8e094200c425",
"Initiation": {
"InstructionIdentification": "ID412",
"EndToEndIdentification": "E2E123",
"InstructedAmount": {
"Amount": "55.00",
"Currency": "GBP"
"CreditorAccount": {
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
"Identification": "11223321325698",
"Name": "ReceiverCo."
"RemittanceInformation": {
"Unstructured": "Shipment fee"
"Risk": {
"PaymentContextCode": "EcommerceGoods",
"MerchantCategoryCode": "5967",
"MerchantCustomerIdentification": "1238808123123",
"DeliveryAddress": {
"AddressLine": [
"StreetName": "AppleStreet",
"BuildingNumber": "1",
"PostCode": "E27AA",
"TownName": "London",
"Country": "UK"
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

For the full list of available parameters and other details:

See the API reference: Create a domestic payment consent

3. Create a JWT URL parameter

After you create a consent, you need the user to authorise the consent so that you can initiate a payment on their behalf.

Create a JWT request parameter with the following header and payload. Use the private key corresponding to your signing certificate. This signature will be validated using the JWKS endpoint that you specified when you registered your application.

  • The values of client_id, redirect_uri, kid, and scope should correspond to those for your specific application and consent request.
  • The value of openbanking_intent_id is the value of the ConsentId field returned in the consent creation response.
  • state is an OAuth parameter that lets you restore the state of the application after redirection. If provided, this value is returned in the redirect URI.
  • nbf and exp should contain the Unix timestamps before and after which the JWT is not valid.

For more details on these parameters, see the guide: Work with JSON Web Tokens.


"alg": "PS256",
"kid": "<insert kid>"


"response_type": "code id_token",
"client_id": "<insert client_id>",
"redirect_uri": "<insert redirect_uri>",
"aud": "",
"scope": "payments",
"state": "<insert state>",
"nbf": <insert nbf>,
"exp": <insert exp>,
"claims": {
"id_token": {
"openbanking_intent_id": {
"value": "<insert ConsentId>"

Create an authorisation URL with the following parameters. Make sure they are URL-encoded.

response_typeAlways set to code id_token.yes
client_idThe client ID for your application.yes
redirect_uriOne of the redirect URIs that you defined when you created the application.yes
scopeThe scope that you are requesting, for example, accounts or payments. For payments, use the scope payments.yes
requestThe encoded JWT generated in the previous step.yes
response_modeIf set to fragment, parameters are passed in the fragment section of the redirect URI. Otherwise, they are passed in the URI query. Passing parameters in fragment is considered to be more

A sample authorisation URL looks like this:<insert redirect URL>&client_id=<insert client_id>&request=<insert JWT from step 3.>
Expected result

Once you have redirected the user to the authorisation URL, they will need to provide their Revolut credentials and complete the payment authorisation.

After authorising the payment, the user will be redirected back to the redirect URL (redirect_uri) containing the authorisation code (code) as a URL parameter, as in the below example:<JWT id_token>&state=example_state

Use this authorisation code in the next step.


The code is valid only for two minutes.

5. Exchange the authorisation code for an access token

Exchange the code parameter obtained when getting the consent for a new access token:

curl  --key private.key --cert transport.pem \
--location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=authorization_code' \
--data-urlencode'code=<insert code>'


"id_token":"<JWT id_token>"

The access_token returned in this response will allow you to execute the payment.


This access token is valid only for 24 hours.

6. Initiate the domestic payment

Now you can initiate the domestic payment on the user's behalf. Make a call to the /domestic-payments endpoint to initiate the payment.

In the request body, use the same JSON content which was previously used in the consent request, and add the Data.ConsentId key with the ConsentId value which you received when creating the consent.


For this request, you must also use:

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'x-fapi-financial-id: 001580000103UAvAAM' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'x-idempotency-key: 123' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <insert access_token from step 5.>' \
--header 'x-jws-signature: <insert JWS>' \
--data '
"Data": {
"ConsentId": "<insert ConsentId>"
"Initiation": {
"InstructionIdentification": "ID412",
"EndToEndIdentification": "E2E123",
"InstructedAmount": {
"Amount": "55.00",
"Currency": "GBP"
"CreditorAccount": {
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
"Identification": "11223321325698",
"Name": "Receiver Co."
"RemittanceInformation": {
"Unstructured": "Shipment fee"
"Risk": {
"PaymentContextCode": "EcommerceGoods",
"MerchantCategoryCode": "5967",
"MerchantCustomerIdentification": "1238808123123",
"DeliveryAddress": {
"AddressLine": ["7"],
"StreetName": "Apple Street",
"BuildingNumber": "1",
"PostCode": "E2 7AA",
"TownName": "London",
"Country": "UK"


"Data": {
"DomesticPaymentId": "dd817a13-3198-48ca-a5dc-f22b09ee82c0",
"Status": "Pending",
"StatusUpdateDateTime": "2020-11-20T08:54:30.115047Z",
"CreationDateTime": "2020-11-20T08:54:30.115047Z",
"ConsentId": "6686e444-c103-4077-8085-8e094200c425",
"Initiation": {
"CreditorAccount": {
"Name": "ReceiverCo.",
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
"Identification": "11223321325698"
"InstructedAmount": {
"Amount": "55.00",
"Currency": "GBP"
"RemittanceInformation": {
"Unstructured": "Shipment fee"
"EndToEndIdentification": "E2E123",
"InstructionIdentification": "ID412"
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

For more details about this call:

See the API reference: Create a domestic payment


You have successfully initiated your first payment.

Save the DomesticPaymentId value from the response so that you can later check the status of the payment execution.

7. Check the status of the payment

After you create a single payment, it can go to either the Pending or AcceptedSettlementInProcess status.

Once the settlement on the debtor's account has been completed and the payment has been sent, it goes to the AcceptedSettlementCompleted status.

To check the current status of the payment that you created, make the following request and provide the payment ID.


curl --location '<DomesticPaymentId>' \
--header 'x-fapi-financial-id: 001580000103UAvAAM' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <access_token>'


"Data": {
"DomesticPaymentId": "dd817a13-3198-48ca-a5dc-f22b09ee82c0",
"Status": "AcceptedSettlementCompleted",
"StatusUpdateDateTime": "2020-11-20T08:54:32.511691Z",
"CreationDateTime": "2020-11-20T08:54:30.115047Z",
"ConsentId": "6686e444-c103-4077-8085-8e094200c425",
"Initiation": {
"CreditorAccount": {
"Name": "ReceiverCo.",
"SchemeName": "UK.OBIE.SortCodeAccountNumber",
"Identification": "11223321325698"
"InstructedAmount": {
"Amount": "55.00",
"Currency": "GBP"
"RemittanceInformation": {
"Unstructured": "Shipment fee"
"EndToEndIdentification": "E2E123",
"InstructionIdentification": "ID412"
"Links": {
"Self": ""
"Meta": {
"TotalPages": 1

For more details about this call:

See the API reference: Retrieve a domestic payment

What's next

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