Merchant Web SDKs


Display the Revolut Pay button to allow your customers to make a payment with their Revolut app or cards.

How to mount the Revolut Pay button

There are two options to integrate Revolut Pay on your page:

To learn more about each option, see: Revolut Pay - Integration paths.

To mount the Revolut Pay button on your website:

  1. First, import the RevolutCheckout package.
  2. Call the .payments() method, to instantiate the Revolut Pay object.
  3. Define the relevant paymentOptions including the asynchronous createOrder function.
  4. Mount the Revolut Pay button to allow your customers to make payments with their Revolut app or cards.
  5. Listen to relevant events (if using redirect URLs, you can skip this step).

For more information about the implementation process, see: Accept payments via Revolut Pay - Web.

import RevolutCheckout from '@revolut/checkout'

const { revolutPay } = await RevolutCheckout.payments({
locale: 'en', // Optional, defaults to 'auto'
mode: 'sandbox', // Optional, defaults to 'prod'
publicToken: '<yourPublicApiKey>', // Merchant public API key

const paymentOptions = {
currency: 'USD', // 3-letter currency code
totalAmount: number, // In lowest denomination e.g., cents

// If you wish to implement Revolut Pay with event listening and mobile redirect URLs (skip this option if you only listen to events or only use redirect URLs):
mobileRedirectUrls: {
success: '',
failure: '',
cancel: ''

// If you wish to implement Revolut Pay with redirect URLs (skip this option if you listen to events):
redirectUrls: {
success: '',
failure: '',
cancel: ''

createOrder: async () => {
// Call your backend here to create an order
// For more information, see:
const order = await yourServerSideCall()
return { publicId: order.token }

// You can put other optional parameters here

revolutPay.mount(target, paymentOptions)

// Call this method if you wish to implement Revolut Pay with event listening (skip this option if you use redirect URLs):
revolutPay.on('payment', (event) => {
switch (event.type) {
case 'cancel': {
if (event.dropOffState === 'payment_summary') {
log('what a shame, please complete your payment')

case 'success':

case 'error':

Mount options

The mount method of Revolut Pay accepts two arguments:

revolutPay.mount(target, paymentOptions)

Use the target to define where the Revolut Pay button will be rendered on your page.

Use the Options object to define Revolut Pay checkout options, such as product or shipping information, and customize the display of the Revolut Pay button:

revolutPay.mount(target: HTMLElement, paymentOptions: Options)

type Options {
currency: String,
totalAmount: Number,
requestShipping: Boolean,
savePaymentMethodForMerchant: Boolean,

// For configuration with mobile redirect URLs
mobileRedirectUrls: {
success: String,
failure: String,
cancel: String

// For configuration with redirect URLs
redirectUrls: {
success: String,
failure: String,
cancel: String

// For configuration with async
createOrder: async () => {
const order = await yourServerSideCall()
return { publicId: order.token }
// For configuration without async
createOrder: () => {
return yourServerSideCall().then((order) => ({
publicId: order.token,

// Optional properties
lineItems: {
name: String,
totalAmount: Amount,
unitPriceAmount: Amount,
quantity: {
value: Number,
unit: 'PIECES',
| 'TAX'
| 'GIFT'
| 'MISC'
productId: String,
productUrl: String,
description: String,
taxes: {
name: String,
type: 'INCLUDED',
amount: Amount
imageUrls: String[],
totalTaxAmount: Amount,
totalDiscountAmount: Amount,
discounts: {
name: String,
type: 'FIXED',
totalAmount: Amount,
appliedAmount: Amount
metadata: Record<string, unknown>
buttonStyle: {
height: String,
size: ButtonSize[],
variant: ButtonVariant[],
radius: ButtonBorderRadius[],
cashback: Boolean,
cashbackCurrency: String
popupOptions: {
closeOnOverlayClick: Boolean
validate: Function,
customer: {
name: String,
email: String,
phone: String,
dateOfBirth: {
day: Number,
month: Number,
year: Number,
targetDetermines where the Revolut Pay button will be rendered on your site (e.g., a DOM node like, document.getElementById("kiwi") or a CSS selector like, "#kiwi").HTML ElementYes

Options object:

currencyISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

For more information about the supported currencies, see: Help Center.
totalAmountThe amount to be paid by the customer, given in the lowest denomination (e.g. cents).NumberYes
requestShippingIf true, the shipping address and delivery method are quickly collected through Revolut Pay from the user. Your backend must support Fast checkout for this functionality to work (for more information, see: Implement Revolut Pay with Fast checkout). Default: false.BooleanNo
savePaymentMethodForMerchantIf true, the customer gives permission to the merchant to use the payment method (Revolut account or card details saved via Revolut Pay) in the future.

The customer only needs to authorise this payment method once, then the merchant can use this payment method to take future payments without further action required from the customer.

This feature is useful when managing recurring payments or setting up scheduled payments in the future.

To learn more about merchant initiated transactions, see: Configure Revolut Pay button: Merchant initiated transactions. Default: false.
mobileRedirectUrlsObject containing the URLs a user is redirected to in a mobile flow, upon different payment events. Could be used to combine event listening on desktop and redirects on mobile. Do not use relative URLs!ObjectNo
redirectUrlsObject containing the URLs a user is redirected to, upon different payment events. Do not use relative URLs!ObjectNo
createOrderCallback function handling the order creation operation, and returning the token. For more information, see: Merchant API: Create an order.FunctionYes
lineItemsList of items in the customer's cart at checkout.List of objectsNo
buttonStyleDictionary that controls the style of the button.DictionaryNo
popupOptionsDictionary that controls the behaviour of the popup.DictionaryNo
validateYou can define an asynchronous function that needs to be fulfilled before payment is processed. The function can return either a boolean or throw an error (in case the validation failed).

  • If you return a boolean: true will allow the payment flow to continue, while false will terminate the payment and the widget closes.
  • If you throw an error: when the validation fails the payment flow is terminated, the widget displays the error message, then the widget closes.
customerObject containing customer details the merchant already has. These details can be prefilled upon initializing the widget. Only valid details are prefilled.ObjectNo

mobileRedirectUrls object:


Do not use relative URLs! When testing locally, pass the full local path.

successThe URL a user is redirected to, if the payment is successful.StringYes
failureThe URL a user is redirected to, if the payment fails.StringYes
cancelThe URL a user is redirected to, if the user cancels the payment.StringYes

redirectUrls object:


Do not use relative URLs! When testing locally, pass the full local path.

successThe URL a user is redirected to, if the payment is successful.StringYes
failureThe URL a user is redirected to, if the payment fails.StringYes
cancelThe URL a user is redirected to, if the user cancels the payment.StringYes

lineItems array:

nameName of the product.StringYes
totalAmountTotal price sum of all the items in the customer's cart.AmountYes
unitPriceAmountUnit price of the product.AmountYes
quantityDictionary defining the quantity and unit of the product.ObjectNo
typeThe type of the product connected to the order.

Possible values:
  • 'TAX'
  • 'GIFT'
  • 'MISC'
  • 'REFUND'
  • 'CHARGE' - Refers to charge back payments
productIdThe ID of the product connected to the order.StringNo
productUrlThe URL where the product is available online.StringNo
descriptionThe product description.StringNo
taxesList of taxes applied to the given item in the order.ListNo
imageUrlsList of URLs pointing to images of the given item.ListNo
totalTaxAmountTotal sum of taxes applied to the given item in the order.AmountNo
totalDiscountAmountTotal sum of discounts applied to the given item in the order.AmountNo
discountsList objects containing information about possible discounts, defined by the merchant.List of objectsNo
metadataAdditional meta information of the given item in the order.DictionaryNo

quantity object:

valueQuantity of the product, in the given unit.NumberYes
unitThe measurement unit used for the chosen product (e.g. 'PIECES').StringYes

taxes array:

nameName of the tax.StringYes
typeType of the tax.

Possible values:
amountTotal amount of the tax.AmountYes

discounts array:

nameName of the discount.StringYes
typeType of the discount.

Possible values:
  • 'FIXED'
totalAmountTotal amount of the discountAmountNo
appliedAmountThe part of the discount amount that is actually taken into considerationAmountNo

buttonStyle object:

heightControls the height of the button. Accepts actual CSS values, like: 10pxStringNo
sizeControls whether the button should occupy the full width of the division it is in (large) or not (small). Default: largeList of stringsNo
variantControls which color variant of the button is displayed. Default: dark

Possible values:
  • dark
  • light
  • light-outlined
List of stringsNo
radiusControls the size of the button's border radius. Default: small

Possible values:
  • none
  • small
  • large
  • round
List of stringsNo
cashbackControls if rewards are applied to payment. The amount is dynamically fetched from Revolut. Default: trueBooleanNo
cashbackCurrency3-letter currency code of the reward, displayed on the widget. Default: GBPEnumYes

popupOptions object:

closeOnOverlayClickControls whether the pop-up should close when the overlay is clicked.
Default: true.

customer object:

nameCustomer's name. Example: 'Firstname Lastname'StringNo
emailCustomer's email. Example: ''StringNo
phoneCustomer's phone number, containing country code and '+' character. Example: '+441234567890'StringNo
dateOfBirthObject containing customer's date of birth.ObjectNo

dateOfBirth object:

dayCustomer's birth day.Number, between 1-31Yes
monthCustomer's birth month.Number, between 1-12Yes
yearCustomer's birth year.Number, 4 digitsYes


Methods object:

destroyManually destroy the button if needed.Function

Listen to events

Use the following method to listen to relevant Revolut Pay events, triggered by the user clicking the Revolut Pay button:

revolutPay.on(event, handler)

Method parameters

typeName of the event type.String
handlerA callback function that will be called with an event object when the event type is fired.Function

Event object

The event object for the payment trigger has the following shape:

{type: 'success', orderId: string} | {type: 'error', error: RevolutCheckoutError, orderId?: string} | 
{type: 'cancel', dropOffState:
| 'enter_otp'
| 'payment_summary'
| 'load_session_data'
| 'enter_card_details'
| 'verify_user_details'
| 'enter_personal_details'
| 'enter_shipping_details'
| 'revolut_app_push_challenge',

orderId?: string
Event typeDescription
successEvent type returned when the payment is successful.
errorEvent type returned when the payment fails, called with a RevolutCheckoutError object.
cancelEvent type returned when the payment is cancelled, called with a dropOffState object. The dropOffState refers to the specific step in the payment flow where the customer cancels the payment.

Use event listening with mobile redirect URLs

This configuration can mitigate a potential issue if the customer has the Revolut app not installed and completes the payment through the Revolut Pay web flow.

When customers use Revolut Pay on your checkout page and complete their payment, they are redirected back to the checkout page. However, if the Revolut Pay button is not rendered again upon redirection, the payment flow gets interrupted and stops.

To address this, you can use mobile redirect URLs, so users don't abandon their payments.

Set up your configuration as described in the Listen to events section.

In addition, pass the mobileRedirectUrls object to the paymentOptions to implement Revolut Pay with mobile redirection. These URLs will be the pages customers are redirected to on their mobile devices upon each of the corresponding payment flow events.

Upon successful redirection, you can make any required API calls, then show the customer a success or failure message.

Use redirect URLs

Pass the redirectUrls object to the paymentOptions to implement Revolut Pay without event listening. These URLs will be the pages your customers are redirected upon each of the corresponding payment flow events.

Upon successful redirection, you can make any required API calls, then show the customer a success or failure message.

Fetch public order ID from redirect URL

If you want to execute further operations on the user's order, Revolut Pay will append the corresponding order's token to your redirect URL in the following cases:

  • success: always present on this URL,
  • failure, cancel: optional for these URLs, depending on whether an order was already internally created.

For example, with the success URL:, upon redirection, the URL will look like this:

Where the query parameter: _rp_oid contains the token of the order. To fetch the token from the query string, you have two options:

  1. Fetch the query parameter within your code:

    const searchQueries = new URLSearchParams(
    const revolutPublicOrderId = searchQueries.get('rp_oid')
  2. Use the exported utility helper from the @revolut/checkout package:


    Available from v1.1.3.

    import { getRevolutPayOrderIdURLParam } from '@revolut/checkout'

    const revolutPublicOrderId = getRevolutPayOrderIdURLParam()

If you use a server-side rendered application, for example, React or NextJS, you have to call getRevolutPayOrderIdURLParam() within useEffect() in the following way:

useEffect(() => {
const revolutPublicOrderId = getRevolutPayOrderIdURLParam()
// Execute further operations with this order ID here
}, [])


Insert the following DOM element into your webpage where you want to render the Revolut Pay button, and pass the id of this element as the first argument of the .mount statement:

<div id='revolut-pay'></div>

Example with minimal required values (with event listening)

import RevolutCheckout from '@revolut/checkout'

const { revolutPay } = await RevolutCheckout.payments({
publicToken: '<yourPublicApiKey>' // Merchant public API key

const paymentOptions = {
currency: 'USD', // 3-letter currency code
totalAmount: 1000, // In lowest denomination e.g., cents

createOrder: async () => {
// Call your backend here to create an order
// For more information, see:
const order = await yourServerSideCall()
return { publicId: order.token }

// You can put other optional parameters here

revolutPay.mount(document.getElementById('revolut-pay'), paymentOptions)

revolutPay.on('payment', (event) => {
switch (event.type) {
case 'cancel': {
if (event.dropOffState === 'payment_summary') {
log('what a shame, please complete your payment')

case 'success':

case 'error':

Example with minimal required values (with event listening and mobile redirect URLs)

import RevolutCheckout from '@revolut/checkout'

const { revolutPay } = await RevolutCheckout.payments({
publicToken: '<yourPublicApiKey>' // Merchant public API key

const paymentOptions = {
currency: 'USD', // 3-letter currency code
totalAmount: 1000, // In lowest denomination e.g., cents
mobileRedirectUrls: {
success: '',
failure: '',
cancel: ''

createOrder: async () => {
// Call your backend here to create an order
// For more information, see:
const order = await yourServerSideCall()
return { publicId: order.token }

// You can put other optional parameters here

revolutPay.mount(document.getElementById('revolut-pay'), paymentOptions)

revolutPay.on('payment', (event) => {
switch (event.type) {
case 'cancel': {
if (event.dropOffState === 'payment_summary') {
log('what a shame, please complete your payment')

case 'success':

case 'error':

Example with minimal required values (with redirect URLs)

import RevolutCheckout from '@revolut/checkout'

const { revolutPay } = await RevolutCheckout.payments({
publicToken: '<yourPublicApiKey>' // Merchant public API key

const paymentOptions = {
currency: 'USD',
totalAmount: 1000,
redirectUrls: {
success: '',
failure: '',
cancel: ''

createOrder: async () => {
// Call your backend here to create an order
// For more information, see:
const order = await yourServerSideCall()
return { publicId: order.token }

// You can put other optional parameters here

revolutPay.mount(document.getElementById('revolut-pay'), paymentOptions)
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