Exchange FIX API
8 (Execution report)

8 (Execution report)

The FIX message 8 (Execution Report) is used to:

  • Confirm the receipt or rejection of an order
  • Confirm changes to an existing order (fill information on executed orders)
  • Respond to the order status request

Each execution report contains two fields which are used to communicate both the current state of the order at the Revolut Crypto Exchange (39 OrdStatus) and the purpose of the message (150 ExecType).

The general rule for quantity is: 38 OrderQty = 14 CumQty + 151 LeavesQty.

11ClOrdIDUUIDyes, by Revolut FIX GatewayUnique identifier of the order or cancel request that this Execution Report relates to, as assigned by the client.
37OrderIDUUIDyesUnique identifier of the order, as assigned by the Revolut Crypto Exchange.
41OrigClOrdIDUUIDyes, conditionally*11 ClOrdID of the cancelled order.

*Required in response to a Cancel request (150 ExecType = 4 Cancelled).
17ExecIDUUIDyesUnique identifier of the execution report message, as assigned by the Revolut Crypto Exchange.
150ExecTypeCharyesPurpose of the execution report.

Supported values:
  • 0 - New
  • 4 - Cancelled
  • 8 - Rejected
  • F - Trade (partial fill or fill)
39OrdStatusCharyesCurrent status of the order.

Supported values:
  • 0 - New
  • 1 - Partially filled
  • 2 - Filled
  • 4 - Cancelled
  • 8 - Rejected
  • A - Pending new
55SymbolCurrencyPairyesCurrency pair.
54SideCharyesSide of the order.

Supported values:
  • 1 - BUY
  • 2 - SELL
40OrdTypeCharnoType of the order.

Supported values:
  • 1 - MARKET
  • 2 - LIMIT
32LastQtyQtyyes, conditionally*Quantity filled (traded).

*Required if 150 ExecType = F (Trade).
31LastPxPriceyes, conditionally*Price used to fill the order.

*Required if 150 ExecType = F (Trade).
151LeavesQtyQtyyesRemaining quantity for further execution. Always 0 for 150 ExecType = 8 (Rejected).
14CumQtyQtyyesExecuted part of the original order quantity. Always 0 for 150 ExecType = 8 (Rejected).
6AvgPxPriceyesAlways 0.
60TransactTimeUTCTimestampnoExecution timestamp.
58TextStringnoError message for 150 ExecType = 8 (Rejected).
See Order rejection codes.
103OrdRejReasonIntnoStandardised reason code for order rejection.

Supported values:
  • 1 UNKNOWN_SYMBOL - Incorrect/unknown currency pair.
  • 2 EXCHANGE_CLOSED - Exchange is off, does not accept new orders.
  • 13 INCORRECT_QUANTITY - Invalid 38 OrderQty field. Can be related to wrong format or limitations for min/max order size, or incorrect accuracy.
  • 99 OTHER
38OrderQtyQtyyesOriginal order quantity.

For more details, see FIX 4.4 : Execution Report <8> message in the FIX 4.4 documentation.

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