Open Banking API
Create a draft payment

Create a draft payment

Before you begin, ensure that you've got an access token. For information about getting the access token, see Tutorial: Create your first draft payment. Then, you can use the /draft_payments endpoint to create a draft payment on behalf of a user, and the draft payment appears in the user account where they can approve or reject.

In addition, you can use this endpoint to make multiple draft payments by creating new rows for new drafts with the supported CSV format shown in the following tables.

For each draft payment request you make, ensure that the same currency is used. Upon a successful request for multiple draft payments, you receive a DraftPaymentID that represents all the draft payments associated with this request.

Please note that the maximum number of rows in a CSV file is 50 and all the payments must be in the same currency.


Download an example CSV file.

For the format of the CSV file, check the request body details.

See also Tutorials: Work with draft payments.


Each Open Banking API must contain an authorization header in the following format to make a call: Bearer <yourAccessToken>.

Before you start, ensure that you've got an access token with the correct scope using the /token endpoint. You need to get the authorization code first and exchange it for an access token.


Never share your access_token with anyone, as it can be used to access the banking data that you have access to and initiate transactions.

For more information, see Tutorial: Get account and transaction information and Tutorial: Initiate your first payment as examples.


Open Banking API Payment requests additionally require a JSON Web Signature (JWS) which needs to be added to the header of the request. The JWS signature must be obtained using the full content of the payload.


For the format of the CSV file, check the tables above.

Query Parameters
Query Parameters

The date and time when the draft payment is executed.


Any draft payment in the CSV file is created as a scheduled payment.

The title of draft payment

Header Parameters
Header Parameters

Idempotency key in UUID format.

Request body
Body string 

The CSV payment file. Provided as CSV-formatted text representing file payments, or as the path to the CSV payments file preceded by @. For the format of the CSV file, check the details below.

The format of the draft payment CSV file:
NameYesCan contain up to 80 characters. If recipient type is INDIVIDUAL, this field must contain a first and a last name, separated by a space.
Recipient typeYesCan be either INDIVIDUAL or COMPANY.
Account numberFor non-IBAN accountsMust contain a valid account number if provided.
Sort code or Routing numberFor UK/US local transfersMust contain a valid sort code or routing number if provided.
IBANFor IBAN accountsMust contain a valid IBAN if provided.
BICAll the countries except for UK/US localMust contain a valid BIC if provided.
Recipient bank countryYesMust contain a valid ISO 3166-1 country code.
CurrencyYesMust contain a valid ISO 4217 currency code.
AmountYesMatch the pattern: [0-9]*(\\.[0-9]*)?
Payment referenceYesCan contain up to 100 characters.
Recipient countryNoMust contain a valid ISO 3166-1 country code if provided.
State or provinceNoCan contain up to 50 characters.
Address line 1NoCan contain up to 50 characters.
Address line 2NoCan contain up to 50 characters.
CityNoCan contain up to 50 characters.
Postal codeNoCan contain up to 50 characters.


Draft Payment Details

Response body
Body object 

The ID of the draft payment.

The execution date the draft payment is requested.

Possible values: [Awaiting, Processed, Approved, Deleted]

The status of the draft payment.


The ID of the transfer.


Pattern: Value must match regular expression ^\d{1,13}\.\d{1,5}$

The amount of money.

Pattern: Value must match regular expression ^[A-Z]{3}$

ISO 4217 currency code in upper case.

The reference of the draft payment.

Possible values: [Created, Pending, Completed, Failed, Deleted]

The status of the draft payment.

The row number the draft payment represents in the CSV file.

The reason of the failed draft payment.

The reason code for the failed draft payment.

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