Guides • Manage Accounts
Payment drafts

Payment drafts

Use the Business API to create and manage payment drafts.

When you're ready with your drafts, go to the Revolut Business app and submit them as payments to send them for processing.

Use cases

  • Prepare payments for future processing: Payment drafts allow you to prepare payments in advance and send them for processing later. For example, if you already have all the details for the payment, but don't want to send it just yet, you can create a draft payment for now and send it when you're ready.

  • Prepare payments for approval: Team members subject to approval processes cannot make payments on their own. With payment drafts, they can still prepare payments, filling in all the necessary details, send them for processing, and have them executed once a designated team member approves them.

  • Prepare scheduled payments: Payment drafts let you specify when you want the payment to be executed once you send it for processing. To prepare a scheduled payment, use the schedule_for parameter and provide the date in ISO 8601 format.

  • Prepare bulk payments: With payment drafts, you can draft up multiple payments with one request, and have them executed once you send the draft for processing. All payments from a single bulk must be made from the same account (have the same account_id).


A payment draft stays a draft until you send it for processing as payment in the Revolut Business app.

Manage payment drafts

With the Business API, you can:


Alternatively, you can create and manage payment drafts in the Revolut Business app. To create a draft payment, proceed as for a regular payment, but instead of the Continue or Send button, click or tap Save draft at the top. To manage your drafts, go to Transfers > Draft. Payment drafts made through the app can be modified.


Payment drafts created through the app cannot be managed using the API.

Create a payment draft

To create a payment draft, make a POST request to the /payment-drafts endpoint providing one or more payments to include in the draft.

Required details
  • Payments: One or more payments to include in the draft. A single payment must include the following:

    • Account ID: The ID of your own account from which you want to make the transfer.


      All payments from a bulk must be executed from the same account (have the same account ID).

    • Receiver: The details of the transfer recipient, such as the counterparty ID.


      If the counterparty has multiple payment methods available, for example, 2 accounts, or 1 account and 1 card, you must also specify the ID of the account to which you want to transfer the money.


      You can look up your counterparty's ID and account ID by retrieving a list of your counterparties filtered by the counterparty's name.

    • Amount: The amount of money that you want to send.

    • Currency: The currency in which you want to make the transfer.

    • Reference: A short message which helps both you and the recipient to identify the payment.

Optional details
  • Title: The title of the payment draft. It helps you identify the draft.
  • Schedule for: The date on which you want the transfer to be executed. Use it if you want to schedule the payment(s) for a future date.
See the API reference: Create a payment draft

When you're ready with your draft, send it for processing as payment in the Revolut Business app.

Retrieve all payment drafts created with the API

To get the list of all your payment drafts created with the API that you haven't sent for processing yet, make a GET request to the /payment-drafts endpoint.


Payment drafts created through the Revolut Business app are not retrieved by the API.

The response lists the drafts with their details, such as the number of payments included in a draft, but not the payment details.

To see example requests and responses:

See the API reference: Retrieve a list of payment drafts

Retrieve a specific payment draft

To get information about a specific payment draft with the payment details, you must provide this draft's ID.

To see example requests and responses:

See the API reference: Retrieve a payment draft

Delete a payment draft

If you no longer wish to execute the payments from a draft, and you haven't sent it for processing yet, you can delete this draft. To do that, make a DELETE request to the /payment-drafts endpoint providing the draft's ID as a path parameter.

To see example requests and responses:

See the API reference: Delete a payment draft

Send drafts for processing

When you're ready with your draft, send it for processing as payment:

  1. Go to the Revolut Business app.
  2. Go to Transfers > Draft.
  3. Select your draft and click or tap Send.

If you or the payment you're making is subject to an approval process, the payment goes into the Pending review state.

Before it can be processed, a team member designated as an approver must approve it in the Revolut Business app.

Payments scheduled for a future date will be processed on that date, other payments will be sent for processing right away.

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