Guides • Manage Accounts

Retrieve transactions

The Business API lets you retrieve the historical transactions on your account.

You can:

Retrieve a transaction

To get information about a single specific transaction, by default, you provide the transaction ID.

If instead you want to retrieve the transaction by the request ID provided at payment creation, you must additionally specify the ID type as request_id.

To see example requests and responses:

See the API reference: Retrieve a transaction

Filter and retrieve all transactions

You can retrieve a full list of the transactions on your Revolut Business account.

The results are sorted by the created_at date in reverse chronological order (from newest at the top to oldest at the bottom) and paginated.


The API returns a maximum of 1,000 transactions per request.


To be compliant with PSD2 SCA regulations, businesses on the Revolut Business Freelancer plans can only access information older than 90 days within 5 minutes of the first authorisation.

To see example requests and responses:

See the API reference: Retrieve a list of transactions

You can also filter the list of transactions by adding one or more of the query parameters listed below to the URL:

curl \
from=2017-06-01 \
&to=2017-06-10 \
&count=10 \
&account=041c7846-4c5e-44af-b8f6-206f61e9f60a \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your access token>"
fromThe date and time you retrieve the historical transactions from.NoISO date/time
toThe date and time you retrieve the historical transactions to. The default value is the current date and time at which you are calling the endpoint.NoISO date/time
accountThe account ID.NoUUID
countThe number of the historical transactions to retrieve. The maximum number is 1000. The default number is 100. Used for pagination.NoNumber
typeThe type of the historical transactions to retrieve, which can be atm, card_payment, card_refund, card_chargeback, card_credit, exchange, transfer, loan, fee, refund, topup, topup_return, tax, or tax_refund.NoText


The /transactions endpoint supports time-based pagination. It returns transactions in reverse chronological order (from <= created_at < to) limited to the most recent count entities. To get the next page of results, make a new request and use the created_at date from the last item of the previous page as to.

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