Guides • Build Banking Apps
2. Get the software statement

Get the Software Statement Assertion (SSA)

Open Banking software statement

If you're using your Open Banking certificate, use the software statement signed by Open Banking. You can obtain this statement from the Open Banking Directory.

You will need it when you create the JWT later.

Self-signed software statement

If you're using your eIDAS certificate, you must use a self-signed software statement. You will need this software statement when you create the JWT later.

To generate the self-signed software statement, you need to concatenate two base-64 encoded JSON objects. The format is the same as that of a JWT but with no signature.

You can use the following webpage to encode the body and header of your SSA: Tick the Perform URL safe encoding box to ensure it is base64url encoded.

Ensure that the software statement meets the following format. You can also check the included examples.

SSA headerTypeDescriptionRequired
algstringUse none as the only value to indicate a self-signed software statement.Yes


  • SSA header:

    "alg": "none"
  • Base-64 encoded SSA header:



SSA payloadTypeDescriptionRequired
org_jwks_endpointURIThe JWKs endpoint. It must contain a signing key (QSealC) that matches with the kid provided in the JWT header of the registration request.Yes
org_namestringLegal Entity Identifier or other known organisation name.Yes
software_client_namestringThe name of the application, as iy appears in the Developer Portal (shown in the UI when the user authorises a consent for this application).Yes
software_on_behalf_of_orgstringA reference to a fourth party organsiation if the registering TPP is acting on behalf of another (shown in the UI when the user authorises a consent for this application).No
software_redirect_urisURIThe list of allowed redirect URIs, which must contain the same URLs as provided in the JWT redirect_uris later in step 4: Create a JWT.Yes


  • SSA payload:

    "org_name": "TPP Company Ltd.",
    "software_client_name": "Accounting Pro",
    "org_jwks_endpoint": "",
    "software_on_behalf_of_org": "John Doe Co.",
    "software_redirect_uris": [
  • Base-64 encoded SSA payload:


Full Software Statement


Resulting self-signed software statement:


The signature of the self-signed software statement is an empty string (there is no string between the second and third dot .. ).

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