Guides • Accept Payments
Refund payments

Refund payments

Refunding payments is an essential operation for any merchant. It enhances customer trust and complies with transaction policies. This guide covers how to issue full and partial refunds using our Merchant API.


To learn more about how you can accept payments, see:

Full refund process

  1. To issue a refund, submit a request to the Refund an order endpoint, passing the full amount in the body of the request.

    Successful execution creates a refund order linked to the original order. You can see the original order's details in the related list of objects.

  2. Poll the Retrieve an order endpoint with the refund order's ID to track status changes.

What's next

  • If your business relies heavily on charging and returning money, it might be more beneficial to capture payments separately from the payment process. This is because authorising and releasing card payments does not incur any fees, whereas taking payments and refunding them, will have associated fees. See our guide to Authorise an amount to capture later
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