Guides • Accept Payments
Authorise an amount to capture later

Authorise an amount to capture later

This tutorial walks you through the process of authorising a payment amount and capturing it later. You can authorise an amount on a customer's payment method and capture all or part of it later.

This is useful in many scenarios, for example:

  • When cancelling a payment authorisation, this method presents a much faster and more efficient way to issue refunds to your customers compared to the standard refund process (usually taking 5-7 days).
  • When your business relies on fulfilment of products, you might want to avoid capturing until the products are ready. This way, if you can't fulfil them, you can cancel the order and the money will be immediately returned to your customer's account.
  • When your business requires to hold an amount of money for a service provided and at the end of the service provided you only take its final value (e.g., any form of equipment rental).

Capturing the authorised amount

1. Create an order with manual capture mode

Create an order that will not be automatically captured after making a payment. To do so, set the capture_mode parameter to manual in the body of the request.

See an example request payload, with minimal required parameters:

"amount": 100,
"currency": "GBP",
"capture_mode": "manual"

The default value of the capture_mode parameter is automatic. In this case, the authorised amount will be captured automatically, without further actions needed.

2. Take a payment from a customer

Take a payment from your customer with your preferred payment solution. To cater to different customer preferences we offer several options to take payments:

  1. Revolut Pay: Customers can pay directly from their Revolut accounts, offering a seamless payment experience.
  2. Card payments: Our widget accepts most major credit and debit cards. This is a familiar and widely used payment method.
  3. Apple Pay of Google Pay: Provides a quick and convenient checkout experience for users on Apple and Android devices.
  4. Self-hosted checkout page: Use payment links to redirect your customers to our self-hosted checkout page.

After taking the payment, you should have an order in authorised state.


Uncaptured orders remain in authorised state for 7 days. If not captured within this period, the funds are returned to the customer's original payment method.

3. Capture the payment

To capture an order manually, use one of the following methods:

Revolut Business portal


On the Revolut Business portal, only capturing full amount is possible.

To capture the authorised amount using the web UI, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Revolut Business portal.
  2. Navigate to the Merchant tab on the dashboard, and click the See all button in the Transactions section.
  3. Select an uncaptured payment, and click Capture.
  4. Once capturing is successful, the order will proceed to the processing stage.

Merchant API


This process assumes you already created an order and have an authorised payment.

To capture the payment using the Merchant API, follow these steps:

  1. Confirm that the payment authorisation is valid and that your product or service is ready for delivery or fulfilment.

  2. Use the Capture an order endpoint in the Merchant API to capture the payment. You can choose from two approaches to capture an amount:

    • Full capture: Send the request without a body to capture the full amount.
    • Partial capture: Send the request with a specific amount in the body to capture a partial amount of what was initially authorised. In this case, the uncaptured amount will be voided and returned to your customer's original payment method.
  3. Once the capture request is successful, the order will proceed to the processing stage.


The following limitations apply to manual captures:

  • It's not possible to capture an amount multiple times
  • Captured amount can't exceed the authorised amount
  • On Web UI, only capturing full amount is possible
  • 0 amount captures are not allowed
  • For partial captures, you can only resend the request with the initial amount

(Optional) 4. Cancel the payment

If you would like to return the full authorised amount to your customer, you can Cancel the order. The amount will be immediately voided and returned to your customer's original payment method.

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