Guides • Accept Payments
Install the Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) plugin

Install the Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) plugin

There are two ways to install the Revolut Gateway for Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) plugin:

Complete the following steps to install the plugin via Adobe Commerce Marketplace:

  1. Place an order for the plugin on the Adobe Marketplace.

    Adobe Commerce - Marketplace: Revolut Gateway

  2. Open a terminal in your Adobe Commerce project's root folder and run the following command:

    $ composer require revolut/module-payment

    If prompted, follow the instructions of Composer. You might need to submit your user credentials and provide your Adobe Commerce authentication keys.

  3. To enable the plugin on your store, run the following command:

    $ php bin/magento module:enable Revolut_Payment
  4. To finish the installation, check for updates and compile files, run the following commands:

    $ php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    $ php bin/magento setup:di:compile
    $ php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  5. When the installation is done, flush the cache with the following command:

    $ php bin/magento cache:flush

Congratulations! You have installed the Revolut Gateway for Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) plugin. You are almost ready to start accepting payments.

To complete the setup and begin processing transactions, configure the plugin.


If you have troubles running the commands in Step 4:

  • Ensure that the PHP version of your terminal is the same that your Adobe Commerce store is using.
  • Ensure that PHP can use enough memory by setting the memory_limit variable in the /conf/php.ini file to more than 756 MB.

The Revolut Gateway for Adobe Commerce (Magento 2) plugin is only compatible with Magento versions: 2.3.x-2.4.x.

For a plugin compatible with older versions you can download the previous version. Bear in mind that this version is deprecated, and we do not offer support for it.

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