Guides • Manage Accounts

Manage cards for your business


This feature is available in the UK, US and the EEA.

This feature is not available in Sandbox.

The Business API lets you issue and manage cards for your team.

You can:


To use the Cards API, please contact Revolut API Support.

Create a virtual card

You can use the Business API to generate virtual cards for your team.


To request a physical card, use the Revolut Business app.

To create a new card, you must provide the following information:

Required details
  • Virtual: Confirms that the card that you're creating will be virtual. Set it to true.
  • Holder ID: The ID of the team member who will be the holder of the card.
  • note

    While holder ID is required in request parameters, it's optional in response parameters. This is because in the past, it was possible to create a card owned by a whole business team rather than an individual team member. In such a case, the holder_id parameter was not populated. As we no longer support creation of business-owned cards, this parameter must be provided on card creation. However, some business teams still have active team-owned cards, so for this legacy reason, this parameter is optional in the response.

  • Request ID: The ID of the request, provided by you to help you identify the transaction in your system.
  • caution

    To ensure that a card creation is not processed multiple times if there are network or system errors, the same request_id should be used for requests related to the same card. For more details, see the Idempotency section.

Optionally, you can also specify additional details, such as a distinct label, linked accounts, and spending limits and categories.

Optional details
  • Label: Give the card a label that will be displayed in the UI and help distinguish it from other cards.
  • Accounts: Limit which accounts the card should be linked to, by providing their IDs. By default, all are linked.
  • Categories: Limit the merchant categories available for spending. By default, all are available. For a full list of categories, see the API reference.
  • Spending limits: Set one of the periodic (day/week/month/quarter/year/all time) limits and/or a non-periodic (single) spending limit.

To see example requests and responses, check out the API Reference documentation:

See the API reference: Create a card


To ensure that a card creation is not processed multiple times if there are network or system errors, we deduplicate requests made with the same request ID within a 24-hour interval (counting from the first request). This is why you should use the same request ID for requests related to the same card.

This also means that if the first request fails, this state is saved and returned in response to all the subsequent requests with the same request ID within the 24-hour deduplication period.
An exception is when the initial request fails for an unexpected reason. In such a case, you still get an error saying that the first execution was not successful, but you don't get the exact error message and code that might have been returned for that first execution, you only see that the idempotent replay failed.

While there is no specific requirement regarding the format of the request ID that you should use, we recommend using v4 UUIDs.

Update a card

For each active card issued for your team, you can update its label displayed in the app, the merchant categories available for spending, and the spending limits. You can update a single parameter or multiple parameters at once.

To reset the categories to default or erase a spending limit, provide null as the value for the respective parameter.


If the card has a spend program assigned, modifying the card's spending limits via the API will unlink this spend program from this card, and the new custom settings will apply.


Updating a spending limit does not reset the spending counter.
For example, if you create a card with a weekly spending limit of £50 on Monday, spend £25 with that card on Tuesday, and update the weekly spending limit to £30 on Wednesday, you'll only have £5 left to spend that week.

curl -X PATCH{card_id} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer <your access token>" \
-d '{
"label": "New label",
"categories": [
"spending_limits": {
"single": null

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Update card details

Retrieve cards

The Business API lets you retrieve the cards generated for your team.

When you retrieve cards, for each card, you get its details, such as the card ID, the last 4 digits of its PAN, expiry date, current state, its type, and more.

You can:

Retrieve a list of cards

You can list all the cards issued for your team. You can also filter the cards by their creation date.

The results are paginated and sorted by the created_at date in reverse chronological order.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Retrieve a list of cards

Filtering and pagination

When retrieving cards, you can also include the optional query parameters to:

  • Modify the maximum number of cards returned per page (by default, it's 100)
  • Retrieve only the cards which were created before a date/date-time that you specify

For example, these parameters limit the number of cards to three and retrieve only the cards created before 13th June 2023:


To get to the next page, make a new request and use the created_at date of the last returned card as created_before.

Retrieve a specific card

You can also retrieve a single specific card by its ID to look up its details.


To retrieve sensitive card details, you must use a different, dedicated endpoint.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Retrieve card details

Retrieve sensitive card details

To retrieve sensitive details of a card, such as its PAN (Primary Account Number), CVV (Card Verification Value) and expiry date, use this dedicated endpoint.


This endpoint requires the READ_SENSITIVE_CARD_DATA token scope.

In your request, provide the ID of the card for which you want to retrieve the sensitive details.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Retrieve sensitive card details

Freeze a card

You can freeze an active card to make it temporarily unavailable for spending.


If you want to cancel your card permanently instead, you can terminate it.

To freeze a card, provide its ID in the request to the freeze endpoint.

On success, the card's state changes to frozen and no content is returned in the response.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Freeze a card

Unfreeze a card

You can unfreeze a frozen card to re-enable spending for that card.

To unfreeze a card, provide its ID in the request to the unfreeze endpoint.

On success, the card's state changes to active and no content is returned in the response.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Unfreeze a card

Terminate a card

When you want to cancel your card permanently, you can terminate it.
Once the card is terminated, it will no longer be returned by the API or appear in your cards.


Card termination cannot be undone, so exercise caution and make sure that you understand the implications before you proceed.

To terminate a card, provide its ID.

On success, the card is removed from your cards and no content is returned.

For more details and example requests and responses, check out the API Reference:

See the API reference: Terminate a card
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