Guides • Manage Accounts
Retrieve counterparties

Retrieve counterparties

The Business API lets you retrieve the counterparties that you previously added.

The fields returned for a given counterparty will differ depending on whether the counterparty has a Revolut account, as well as on the account currency and the country which the account is based in.

You can:

Retrieve a counterparty

To get information about a single specific counterparty, you must provide this counterparty's ID.

To see example requests and responses:

See the API reference: Retrieve a counterparty

Filter and retrieve all counterparties

You can retrieve a full list of the counterparties that you previously added to your Revolut Business account.

The results are sorted by the created_at date in reverse chronological order (from newest at the top to oldest at the bottom) and paginated.

To see example requests and responses:

See the API reference: Retrieve a list of counterparties

You can filter this list of counterparties by adding one or more of the query parameters listed below to the URL:

curl -L -X GET '' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <your access token>'

The following table lists the parameters that you can optionally add as filters:

nameThe name of the counterparty.Does not have to be an exact match, partial match is also supported.

Note: Special characters must be properly URL-encoded.
account_noThe exact account number of the counterparty to retrieve.
sort_codeThe exact sort code of the counterparty to retrieve.Only allowed in combination with the account number (account_no).
ibanThe exact IBAN of the counterparty to retrieve.
bicThe exact BIC of the counterparty to retrieve.Only allowed in combination with IBAN (iban).
created_beforeRetrieves counterparties with the date created_at < created_before. The default value is the current date and time at which you are calling the endpoint.This parameter is also used for pagination.


When you retrieve counterparties, the results are paginated. The default page size is 100.

To get to the next page, make a new request and use the created_at date of the last counterparty returned in the previous response as created_before.

You can also modify the size of a single page by specifying the limit parameter. The maximum number of results per page that you can set is 1000.

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